I love animals. The more jacked up the better. Missing an eye? Fine. Missing a leg? I'll take it. The sadder and uglier the better.
Welcome to Mrs.Evils Home For Broken Animals. I love cross stitch and it used to love me back until it got all jealous of tendonitis.
These patterns are meant to be easy for a beginner and fun for the advanced. I'm addicted to metallic floss and try to squeeze it into every design. Suitable for framing or making a sassy pillow for your dog to sleep on.
So you need something to do while you are passing the time listening to your in-laws complain, watching re-runs of gilligan's island, or just plain bored. These sweet little animals need a home in your lap, don't fret that they are damaged....the more jacked the better...remember everything needs a bit of love.
so my husband bought me a present and he didn't even know it till today after I got back from my shopping excursion.....i gave him a hug and said thank you, thank you ...and then told him to go to the car and get it out.
and here it is...my very first...and i am a little scared, it has alot of moving parts..eek
this is IKEA's new line of textiles...I can't even tell you how bad I want to get my hands on this fabric. Well bad enough that I am going to ask my mother in law, who is coming from germany in the beginning of Jan to bring me some.
IKEA is sold out in the bay area of california...so sad
step one...cut your fabric to what ever size you would like your tote to be, i opted for a low wide one...my previous purse was a black hole...that ate every important item I needed, as soon as I needed it.
I also interfaced it to make it stiffer, so when it sits I can see every little thing I drag around with me/
step two.... actually the reason why I am doing this specific tutorial, I have been sewing for years and want to kick myself, less admit that I never came up with this on my own....shame on me
i call this my false bottom...came up with that though!!! I normally am to lazy to want to add sides or a bottom., so this is perfect for me.
step two.... take your fabric and line it up, i have my inside and my outer layer together (opposite sides together) so that I can make my cuts as perfect as I am able to.
note...the smaller you make your squares the less of a bottom, I choose to do three inch squares...I wanted to see everything in my purse, cursid black hole.
after you decide your desired size bottom start cutting, i.e 3 inch cut across by 3 inch cut down, makes a 6 inch wide bottom.. if i suck at explaining check out the pictures...
step four... do the same to the other side, this makes up your bottom of the tote....if you cut uneven, you will need to straighten it out..
random note......also if you choose to use a tshirt outside and cotton inside cut shirt one inch shorter on each side ...ie 18" wide inside 16" wide outside... this makes your tshirt not bunch up..
step five and six .... i am really not crazy, i was going for the optical illusion
five...sew the sides and bottom of your outside bag (right side facing) .. leaving your cute little square alone
do this for both inner and outer layers of fabric....
six .... now take your outer layer and grab the each side of the fabric..one chunk one hand, other chunk other hand, close to the square....and now pull...the goal is to sandwich them together, once you have achieved that sew them together.. do this for both layers, please..
ps I almost backstitch over everything unless I am making a quilt top
and wah lah... you have a stiff square piece of fabulous-ness
step 7 ...put inside into outside (remember this is reversible) make sure that they fit together....straight lines you'all, when I did mine it ended up taller than I wanted so I laid that baby down and chopped off two inches.
more is better than less...sometimes
step 8 ..sorry about the lighting .... fold over sides so you can hem it, make sure they are even, unless you don't mind some sharp angles...iron , put inside into outside..
step nine... cut a a strip do your desired length and width for handle, i had a different idea for my handles, that didn't work how I wanted them...so I ended upi with dinky little one inch handles that are floppy...I was getting lazy well more annoyed that my idea didn't work
make handle, then insert into desired place on your bag...then pin and pin some more
another note...i dislike pinning, but this is one i had to reconsider
so this is my first free shipping offer I have ever done...given I have been on etsy for a year in a half...this is big for me.
this offer is through my very first etsy shoppe.. adelehartlep... this shop has all my fabulous re-ments, and some other notiony like things in it. I have hundreds of little miniatures that are just waiting to be drilled and glued to ake pretties!!!!! like my spelling mistake..hehe
and since I am shamelessly promoting...in my fabulous fabric store...I have a sale of 10% off of everything...its xmas time and I know money is tight!!!
for my little pillow I choose fabrics from art gallery's spell bound line....
i choose to do a very simple pattern, so I could get it done quick but still wanted something pretty.
the back
and the front stuffed with a pillow
me trying to get both the back and the front....I had to use snaps for the back because I cut the fabric a bit to short for it to cover with the pillow bludging a bit