Saturday, April 17, 2010

vinyl, vinyl, and more vinyl

I am now the proud owner of a whole &%$# load of vinyl, and its so pretty!!! Which i now have listed on etsy, well just one listing.  I wanted to show what can be made...and super easy. 
First I wanted something cute to put on the the easiest and fastest for me to draw was bones and hearts!!
Here are my scraps, the pouch measures about 6" long by 4" minimal vinyl was used!! I was a bit nervous with my singer, which is a very basic machine, but it took it like a pro and didn't fuss or break a needle.


  1. Cute stuff! I love that you don't have to finish the edges of the vinyl applique.

  2. Thanks for the ideas. I've got tons of vinyl waiting to be made in to something useful!
